Lionfish Facts

Pterois volitans
Pterois miles
The genus name, Pterois, pronounced (tare-oh-eese) is defined as “lionfish.” The word Pterois comes from the Greek word “pteroeis” meaning “feathered” or “winged”
The species name, volitans, pronounced (vole-ee-tahnz), is Latin for “flying” or “hovering,” the complement of the Latin word “volitō,” which means “to fly” or “to hover.”
The species name, miles, pronounced (mee-layz), is Latin for “soldiering,” the complement of the Latin word “mīlitō,” which means “to soldier.”
They are so beautiful. I want one or should I?
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Lionfish are voracious predators. Their gluttonous feeding means they will eat as much as they can physically manage as often as the opportunity presents itself. Their stomachs can expand up to 30 times their normal volume and have been found to eat almost any marine creature it can fit into its mouth, up to 2/3 of its own body size. Marine life such as juvenile snapper, grouper, flounder and …

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